Privacy Policy


Access to this website by visitors is subject to the following conditions.
The information, logos, graphic elements, sounds, images, trademarks and anything else published and/or reproduced on this site are the property of (or granted by third parties for use by) METALBRASS SRL.
Reproduction of the contents of the site is only permitted with the written authorisation of Metalbrass srl.
It is therefore prohibited to modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit or disseminate the content of this site without authorisation. In particular, it is forbidden to copy the computer programs (software) that determine the operation of this site, to create programs similar to these, to trace and/or use the source code of the aforementioned programs.
Metalbrass srl does not guarantee the constant updating of the information contained in this site, nor can it be held responsible for any damage, including infection by computer viruses, that visitors’ equipment may suffer as a result of accessing and/or interconnecting with this site or downloading its contents.
The hypertextual connections (links) in this site can direct the search of visitors to web pages on sites other than this one. In such a case, Metalbrass srl does not assume any responsibility in relation to the content of what is published on such sites and to the use that third parties may make of it, or in relation to any damage caused by or originating from the access to such sites, from the interconnection with the same or from the downloading of their content.
Any personal information sent to the Metalbrass srl site will be treated in accordance with the law on privacy. Any non-personal information communicated to Metalbrass srl through this site (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, projects, etc..) will give Metalbrass srl the exclusive, unlimited and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, show, execute, modify, transmit and distribute the abovementioned non-personal information. The communication of such information will automatically entail the transfer of the same to Metalbrass srl, free of charge, exclusively and with all rights and faculties. The regulations in force in the territory of the Italian Republic apply to this site.


Personal data communicated by visitors to Metalbrass srl through this site will be processed in the following ways.
The Data Controller and Processor of the personal data communicated by visitors to this site is Metalbrass srl via Brughiere,19 Omegna (VB). Such data will be used by Metalbrass srl for the purposes for which the person to whom such data refers has given his or her consent. Anyone who has provided his or her personal data to Metalbrass srl, authorizing its use for a given purpose, shall be entitled, at any time, to exercise the rights provided for in EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (also known as “GDPR 2016/679”), by contacting Metalbrass srl.
Through this site, Metalbrass srl collects anonymous data and information (browser type, geographic location, date and time) and processes it to obtain the best management and optimization of the site, as well as for statistical purposes and to collect more information about its products and their consumption. This information may reside on servers located in Italy or on Metalbrass srl’s central servers, but will not under any circumstances be communicated by the owner or its managers to third parties or used to contact visitors to the site unless they request or give their consent.
The communication of personal data relating to a minor must be made by a parent or person exercising parental authority over the minor.